4 Days After Receiving RFO to Germany (PROGRESS REPORT)

Preparing to move overseas requires a lot of decisions, appointments, and paperwork.  We have only been at it for a few days, but we have made quite a lot of progress. Here’s the 411.

Hubby has a 4-page packet to get filled out – PCS Readiness Checklist.  He dropped it off to be filled out at the medical center for approval. When we pick it up and turn it into the S1.

I have to get medical clearance for the kids and myself.  Missing a few physicals. Appointments next week. But I was able to get a crucial discharge paper for our youngest’s speech therapy. Once the paperwork is complete, we turn it into the Levy office.

Fat Cat has an appointment for her own medical clearance, including a rabies shot.

Hotel reservations were made both here in Georgia and there in Germany. Both are military hotels.  10 days allowed (reimbursed) here at Fort Stewart, and 30 days allowed (reimbursed) in Germany at Ramstein AFB. (The hotel at Ramstein looks AMAZING!)

SUV will get shipped.  We plan to ship our SUV a couple months early so it will be waiting on us when we get there.  So I scheduled a detailing since it has to be super clean prior to shipping.

Wait, there’s more!  We have other decisions to make… We need orders to schedule the movers… We need to submit the paperwork in order to get the orders… We need to update our driver’s licenses… We need to figure out what to pack and what to store… We need approval for shipping our SUV since there is a lien on it… We need to reserve a rental car upon our arrival in Germany… We need to register our homeschool in Florida (since we are FL residents)… We need to get the kids’ passports (hubby and I already have passports)… We need to plan what we will do over leave (3o days off)…

Oh my goodness we are so SO SOOOOOO EXCITED!

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